Game demo created to showcase sound design and implementation skills with Unity and Wwise. The sound effects and music were obtained from libraries and personal recordings and the level was designed and programmed by me using Unity Asset Store assets. Created for Sound & Music For Video Games I (MUSC 3125) with Jeff Merkel, Fall Semester 2022.
As a final project for Jeff Merkel's Game Audio course at the University of Colorado Denver, I created a game demo and implemented sound effects and music. The game was created in Unity by myself, and Wwise was used to implement sound effects. After creating a demo outline, I performed a spotting session to determine where sound effects could be showcased. Using Reaper, personal recordings, and library effects, these sound effects were created. Various Wwise techniques were used to provide interaction, such as trigger zones, dynamic music levels, volume sliders, and changes to sounds based on player and camera location.
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